Care and Support for Caregivers and Their Loved Ones

Everyone ages from birth, however, at a certain time in our lives, we start struggling with what our society calls “aging”. The time when we notice that a lot of things are not going as easily anymore; when our vision and hearing starts declining and the time when we start getting age related illnesses; when we have to downsize, lose our driver’s license and maybe even move to assisted living or Long Term Care Facilities.

Aging does not only affect the aging person; it also affects their spouses and other loved ones. Your parents may be aging; moreover, they may struggle with their aging or you may struggle seeing their decline and your difficulty to help them in practical things and in making difficult decisions. Especially when one of them gets a disease that makes them dependent on their spouse and/or on their children for help and care. Caregivers have a difficult and busy task caring for themselves during their own aging or caring for their aging parents while having a job and taking care of a growing family at the same time.

Are you a caregiver to someone who needs help at home or is in a nursing home? Is one of your parents or someone close to you a caregiver who is struggling with the pressure of the constant need for care of their partner? A lot of things may change as people age.

On Saturday November 30, 2024, the Word and Spirit Institute together with Connecting Streams is organizing an online conference for Caregivers and their Loved ones: 

“Care and Support for Caregivers and Their Loved Ones” 

The aim of the conference is to support caregivers in their struggles to help their loved ones either at home or in a care home and for those who are children of a caregiver or friends who are close to a caregiver and would love to support both the caregiver and their loved ones.

ZOOM Conference details:

Date: Saturday November 30, 2024

Time: Zoom call opens 8:45 am; Conference 9:00 am – 12:30 pm


9:00 – 9:30 Welcome/Devotional/Overview (Dr. Tom McCormick) Biblical norms and values with regards to the care of the elderly and vulnerable, and their caregivers will be pointed out and discussed

9:30-10:45 Caregiver testimonies with q/a and interactive discussion


11:00 – 11:30 Presentation: Care And Support For Caregivers – Dr. Tom McCormick (chaplain in the GTA)

11:30-11:45 Christian Caregivers Network (support options for caregivers)

11:50-12:30 Panel Discussion: What is good, what can improve, how do we get there?  Where do we go from here?

If you have any questions or need assistance with the registration, please email us at

Originally, the conference was planned as a One-day conference in person with as title “Caregivers, Our Aging Loved Ones and Pastoral Care”, however due to unforeseen circumstances, the conference was shortened and combined with an existing online discussion group around Eldercare.


To pre-register for the conference, please click HERE


The Organizers

This conference is offered to you by:

The Word and Spirit Institute is an initiative of Grace Canadian Reformed Church in Brampton to assist those seeking spiritual growth through Biblical Studies at certificate, BA or MA levels as well as conferences; surf through our website to find more information about the Word and Spirit Institute. 

Connecting streams seeks to equip and mobilize churches to help vulnerable groups in the society by connecting the churches with each other and with the vulnerable. Click HERE for more information about Connecting Streams.